Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Di depan layar aipon - What type of Facebook/Twitter/etc status annoys you most?

Suddenly these bunch of shithead become a poetic before bedtime.
So many people are posting quotes, very annoying.

You know what?

'Cause I prefer Song Lyrics. I want to sing it!


Fase hidup.
Dari ingusan maen gundu ama mecahin biji salak hingga sekarang sibuk bangun rumah sendiri.
Dari maen benteng ama galaxin sampe melototin angka saham.
Dari netek sampe ngompresin pas mama sakit

Hidup berfase.

Dunia Terintegrasi

  • Lupa bawa flashdisk jadi gak bisa presentasi buat rapat? 
  • Nggak tau cara nge-filter email
  • Masa ngga ngerti konsep iCloud
  • Ngga tau cara manfaatin List di Twitter? 
  • Bingung nyari lokasi gedung buat interview besok? 
  • Feed? Apa tuh? Baca Detik.com aja udah cukup? 
  • Males ngantri ATM & kejauhan? 
  • Pengen jual barang second & langganan majalah dengan lebih gampang?

20 tahun lagi kira2 pernyataan apa yang akan anak gw tujukan ke gw, disaat teknologi saat itu ngga bisa lagi gw cerna.

2033. Mungkin pertanyaan nya akan kembali ke dasar, kira2 kaya gini :
Ayah masa ngga tau sih cara jalan?
Ayah ngga ngerti cara pakai sendok?
Ayah ngga tau cara gosok gigi?
Ayah malu2in ah masa mandi pake handuk?
Hari gini masih nonton TV ayah?

20 tahun ke depan mungkin aktivitas2 biasa seperti itu udah dipermudah dengan teknologi yang mega canggih.

Google it, dad

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paling ganteng & paling cantik sedunia

Foto diambil saat Imunisasi di rs.carolus.
"Anak ku sehat terus yaa" *Doa ayah paling dalam untuk mas arya

Si anak

Nama: Mas Arya.
Usia : 5 bulan
Hobby : Digendong & Melet2


At its very core, the objective of sports is to win. The meaning of a sports club has evolved over time. For many, United is a way of life. It's a religion. It's not just about winning or losing, but rather about the club itself. What it represents, the fans that represents it, the community of fellow supporters that make the club what it is.

One day I want my children to love the club that I've devoted my life to. Of course I'd prefer United's success continue for my hypothetical future children to enjoy, but I want them to love the club all the same. Win or lose.